Remember when Konami made video games? Ah... the good ole days. Well, keep your chin up, because the good news is that we have a Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner remaster coming that will offer up the opportunity to play the full, entire game in VR. This will be available for both PlayStation VR, as well as the PC platforms. The game is expected in early September 2018. Some attendees at the recent Tokyo Game Show got a chance to try this game, and they said that the VR version can be somewhat chaotic and disorienting. The action is somewhat similar to REZ, but it's a bit more wild with plenty of jump cuts and quick pans. How that's going to feel while wearing a VR headset remains to be seen, but this is one of the most treasured of Kojima's franchises, so I'm sure many VR games will give this game the benefit of the doubt.
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