Hot Shots Golf VR headed to PSVR in 2019!
Golf and VR seem like such a natural. A marriage made in heaven, if you will. Yet, so far, we've only seen a single golf game released on...

Windlands 2 coming to the Oculus Rift on September 12th for $29.99!
Late last year, Psytec Games had announced that a sequel to Windlands would be coming in the not too distant future. They released...

The Dog Days of Summer have been anything but when it comes to VR gaming!
I can remember back to a time when the Summer season was a videogaming wasteland. Very few releases of any significance would dare...

Pixel Ripped 1989 hitting Vive, Rift & PSVR on July 31st for $19.99!
One of the more exciting concepts to marry retrogaming with Virtual Reality is coming our way later this month! It was announced today...

Firewall: Zero Hour dated for August 28th!
Adam Orth, Creative Strategist at First Contact Entertainment, was interviewed at e3 recently where he mentioned that Firewall: Zero Hour...