Dimension Hunter by Pocket Money Games is the most pure VR fun since Super HOT!
Dimension Hunter by Pocket Money Games, is finally officially available as of September 25th. It's on sale for a mere $11.39 after a 40...
Paw Print Games is channeling Streets of Rage for their high-impact VR brawler!
So, we will have a mini-review very soon for Bloody Zombies, but I had to do a quick blog post on this game, because I'm so impressed...
Is Duck Season a game, or an experience?
On Thursday of last week, Duck Season by Stress Level Zero arrived for Steam and the Oculus Store. Technically, Duck Season is billed as...
The Rumors were true! L.A. Noire: The VR Case Files coming November 14th to HTC Vive!
It wasn't that long ago, that we had an article talking about a rumor for a VR version of L.A. Noire. Turns out, where there is smoke,...
TPCast preorders are now available via Microsoft! $299.99 for wireless HTC Vive solution
The TPCast wireless adapter that HTC Vive owners have been patiently waiting for, is finally up for pre-order in the USA. You can go to...