Vivecraft is a mod for the HTC Vive and OpenVR that turns Minecraft into a full-featured VR room-scale experience. Originally, it started out as Minecrift, developed by mabrowning and StellaArtois. Back then, it was a seated mod for Rift development kits. Nowadays, it's being continually updated by jrbudda and Techjar, who have added a ton of great features and improved compatibility. You can climb, swim, run, jump sneak, eat and row by actually doing the real-life physical motions! I never really clicked with the normal version of Minecraft, despite the fact that my two sons really got into it at various points. However, I'll never forget the first Minecraft sunrise I watched while playing Vivecraft. It was a truly magical experience seeing the light slowly rising over the horizon, bathing the Minecraft world in the glow of early morning virtual sunshine!
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