When the Oculus Rift arrived on the scene way back in late March 2016, it included the equivalent of a pack-in game, Lucky's Tale by Playful. It was a classic platformer style game, from a 3rd person, floating camera perspective.  Everybody that tried Lucky's Tale back at that time was dazzled by the  experience. Well, good news Lucky's Tale fans, because VEN VR Adventure might be the unofficial sequel we never thought we'd see. Or at least as close as we're going to get. Developer Monologic Games see's a wonderful opportunity laid out in front of them. Tons of new VR gamers are in the fold, and they might go for an interesting platforming romp. Hopefully the game will deliver the goods this December 17th on the Oculus Rift platform. Note, the Steam VR version will be coming a bit later.
Coming December 17th