Top Available Paid Oculus Quest Experiences
Welcome to one of our newest rankings! These are the highest rated Oculus Quest Experiences that you need to pay some, cold... hard... cash for. Yep, not every VR experience is free. In fact, we think it's extremely important to show financial support to VR developers that are pushing the boundaries in virtual entertainment, education and creativity.  We must vote with our wallets by supporting some of these studios, which in turn will allow them to continue to work on something passionate and creative in the VR space. Our No.1 ranked paid experience is Gloomy Eyes, which was developed in a collaboration between Atlas V and 3DAR. You can pick up this fantastic narrative experience for $7.99. The other huge one that we must mention is Wolves in the Walls. A truly incredible production, from Fable Studio Inc. for $8.99.
[updated monthly - last update 1/15/21]

Infinite Dreams ($19.99)

The Pocket Company ($24.99)

Walt Disney Animation Studios ($2.99)