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  Top 60 Most Wanted Upcoming Quest Games
We're proud to introduce a Top 60 Most Wanted Oculus Quest games breakdown. How amazing is it, that there's actually 60 or more interesting games coming to the Oculus Quest 2 (and original Quest) in the coming months? It's truly remarkable, that this platform has such a strong level of popularity, and excitement. Publisher and developer support is tremendous. The funny thing is, it's likely to get even better as we get further into 2021! The momentum is really picking up for the Oculus Quest platform.
[updated monthly - last update 7/26/21]

52. Elite Escape
VDimension - 4th Qrt 2021

54. Airranger
Chesstar Studios - 4th Qrt 2021

55. Garden of the Sea
Neat Corporation - 3rd Qrt 2021

56. Star Force
Cemex VR - 4th Qrt 2021

57. Monsters Belong in Prison
Michel Mohr - 4th Qrt 2021

58. Legendary Tales
Urban Wolf Games - 4th Qrt 2021

59. Sun Shard
Soaring Roc Studio - 4th Qrt 2021

60. Voronium: Locust Sols
Gamalocus Studios - 3rd Qrt 2021
Release dates and release windows are fluid and subject to frequent changes. For entertainment purposes only.
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