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  Top 20 Oculus Quest Games Currently Available

1. Beat Saber
Beat Games ($29.99)

2. Super HOT
Super HOT Team ($24.99)

20. Racket Nx
One Hamsa ($19.99)

1. Beat Saber
Beat Games ($29.99)
The Oculus Quest 2 has just arrived on the scene, and everybody in the VR gaming world has been blown away! The system is an outstanding value proposition at only $299.99. Still, if you're one of the lucky gamers to have grabbed "either" Quest, there's tons of great games available for your specific version.  Beat Saber, by Beat Games, continues to enjoy a death grip on the No.1 ranking. It's so far out in front, it's not even funny. However, there is one game that's consistently nipping at it's heels, and that game is Super HOT! Yep, Super HOT is ithe clear cut No.2 Quest Game right now.
[updated monthly - last update 4/19/21]
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