2MD VR Football Unleashed coming to Quest this January!

Great news, Quest Fans! Another exciting title is headed our way with 2MD VR Football Unleashed by Truant Pixel. The game is coming to the Quest this January 9th, and it's going to bring some much wanted sports action to Oculus' exciting portable platform. I've personally played the game on PC-VR platforms as well as the PlayStation VR version, and I can say confidently that Quest fans are in for a real treat. At least if those other versions are anything to go by. Truant Pixel also released a trailer which shows legit Oculus Quest gameplay footage of the game, and it looks like very little was lost in the translation:
One weird thing about the VR gaming industry so far, is that we've had very little in the way of team sports get translated to virtual reality. VR's been going strong since 2016, and we don't have a serious NFL football game. (we don't have serious basketball or baseball games for that matter) 2MD VR Football isn't a serious sports game either. It's more of a Two Minute Quarterback drill. In fact, that's exactly where the name comes from. 2MD = Two Minute Drill. You play the role of Quarterback, and you're tasked with guiding your team down the field.

The game is fast, friendly and colorful. It's also very simple, but in a good way. You're the Quarterback, trying to throw passes to the open man. Sometimes, you'll make a snap decision to just take off and run for it.
There could be some former Madden players that try a game like 2MD VR Football, and think it's childs play. Or some kind of bad joke. It's true, the game doesn't compare to a full-blown sports simulation like Madden. But to dismiss 2MD VR Football as too cartoony and simplistic is missing the whole point of the game. The game is all about fun. Does anybody remember why we started playing video games in the first place? It was all about having some fun. 2MD VR Football delivers that. Sure, it might take you awhile to get acclimated to the controls, before you really start enjoying yourself, but I think anybody that gives it a fair shot will come away surprised. Many times in this game, I threw a short pass to my running back, and he ran 60 more yards for the touchdown, and even though he did most of the work, I still felt a good amount of joy and exhilaration. It's quite amazing from that standpoint.

2MD VR Football: Unleashed by Truant Pixel is expected January 9th for the Oculus Quest. Truant Pixel is also bringing the game to the Oculus Rift store for the first time, and the two versions are cross-buy compatible. Price is expected to be $14.99. We're looking forward to trying it out and will report on it soon!