Release Date Explosion - Budget Cuts 2, Doctor Who: Edge of Time and More!

Well, it's that time of year again. We're getting closer and closer to November and the Holiday season. It's funny, because when you think of the good ole days of yore, 90 percent of software sales would happen in a short 60 day window spanning most of the 4th Quarter. Late October, all of November and early December. The biggest games of the year would come out at this time, and it seems like tradition is holding up, despite the different kind of world we're now living in.
The newest release date that's been announced is Budget Cuts 2: Mission Insolvency by Fast Travel Games and Neat Corporation. The game's been confirmed as a December 12th release. Budget Cuts 2 will be available on Steam and the Oculus Store . In fact, you can pre-order the game for $29.99, right now. (Oculus Store)

This will be one of the more interesting releases of the 4th Quarter. What effect will the addition of Fast Travel Games have on this sequel to one of VR's most highly anticipated games?
Fast Travel Games has proven their mettle with the fantastic Apex Construct, which landed on just about every VR platform in existence. It's been celebrated as an outstanding adventure game across the board. Now, they're teaming up with Neat Corporation, to deliver a sequel to the original Budget Cuts. Of course, Budget Cuts was a game that was hyped to unrealistic levels, and while it delivered a meaty stealth experience upon it's eventual arrival, many felt it was a disappointment compared to their lofty expectations. On December 12th, we'll find out just how well this new developer partnership worked out.
Another big release to get an official date is The Curious Tale of the Stolen Pets. Manning the helm is Fast Travel Games. (Yes, they're very busy!) This game is scheduled to arrive on November 14th for most of the big VR platforms out there. You'll be exploring wonderful miniature worlds designed from scratch, with VR in mind. You're helping your grandfather with the mystery of the stolen pets while you explore every square inch of these magical worlds displayed right in front of you.

Doctor Who: The Edge of Time, developed by Maze Theory, is another exciting game that we're looking forward to this 4th Quarter. We've been following the Doctor Who game for some time now, and had expected the game to arrive in late September or maybe October. There was a short delay, but now the game is locked and loaded for a November 12th release. (December for Oculus Quest) The cool thing about this adaption of the popular franchise, is that we're not looking at a quick cash-in type movie experience. This is a real game, with an actual story that allows you to pilot the TARDIS, use tools like the Sonic Screwdriver or face iconic bad guys including the world-famous Daleks.
Continuing the parade of release date announcements is a somewhat smaller indie game called Journey to Elysium by Mantis Games. This game is headed our way much sooner, launching on Halloween, October 31st! While not exactly a spook fest, the game is a bit creepy from the standpoint that you're making a journey down the river Styx, as you explore the underworld with a unique rowing mechanic. The game's art direction is influenced by Greek and Roman mythology, using a distinctive black and white style. Mantis Games says the look was inspired by the paintings of Gustave Doré. There are golden highlights throughout the world however, and these will help lead you to clues and new discoveries.

Another smaller indie game to get a locked in release date is Abode 2 by developer Overflow. It's headed our way on November 7th. The first Abode released way back in 2016, Modern VR's inaugural year of availability. Almost three years later we get the follow-up, and Overflow is likely chomping at the bit to flex their muscles with their newest arrival. The team has several VR projects under their belt, including fan favorite Conductor. Abode 2 is another in a long line of "escape the room games", but the good news is that the environments look highly detailed and meticulously crafted. This is mission critical when you think of all the competition in this specific genre. Escape the Room games are a dime a dozen. The 2019 version of Wave Shooters.
These five games are just a small sample of the impending avalanche of software that awaits us in the coming months. We really have a potential deluge on our hands, if all the oft delayed titles finally make their debuts in the coming weeks. One monster game we haven't even mentioned is Stormland by Insomniac Games. This game is a bona fied AAA type release, and the type of game that shouldn't be missed. It's locked in for November 14th, the same day as The Curious Tale of the Stolen Pets.
Here's a look at the upcoming release schedule:
October 24th
Holoception - Holonautic
October 28th
Reiko's Fragments - Pixel Canvas Studios
October 30th
Pagan Peak VR - Another World
October 31st
Journey for Elysium - Mantis Games
Survived - OnionStudio
November 2nd
Spooky Night 2 - Aureal Studio
November 6th Into the Radius - CM Games
November 7th
Pistol Whip - Cloudhead Games
Abode 2 - Overflow
Failspace - Hipfire Games
November 12th
Doctor Who: The Edge of Time - Maze Theory
VR Ping Pong Pro - Reddoll Srl
November 13th
Last Labyrinth - Amata K.K.
November 14th
Stormland - Insomniac Games
The Curious Tale of the Stolen Pets - Fast Travel Games
December 12th
Budget Cuts 2 - Fast Travel Games/ Neat Corp.