The Talos Principle VR is half off ($19.99) for a limited time. Hurry!

Easily one of the very best VR puzzle games we've seen to date has been put on a temporary sale. Make sure to head to Steam and grab yourself The Talos Principle VR for only $19.99. As of the posting of this article, 40 hours or so are left in this screaming deal. I've previously said that it's hard for me to imagine a puzzle game being the kind of thing that would drive me to get a $39.99 game immediately upon launch, but the Talos Principle VR is so good, that it's actually worth it. Well, obviously, if you chop the price in half, that makes the deal twice as sweet. Croteam has gone above and beyond the call of duty with this VR port of their new cult classic. The game feels like it was built from scratch for VR, and has some amazing production values and polish lavished upon it, by one of the most prolific VR developers in the business. It's also one of the longest and most complete VR experiences we've had the pleasure to enjoy. Even if this isn't your preferred genre, you'd be wise to give this game a chance.