The development studio behind London Heist is bringing Blood and Truth to PlayStation VR in 2018

One of the most underrated and underappreciated VR scenarios I've had the pleasure of enjoying, is the London Heist sequence from PlayStation VR Worlds. The very first time I played that portion of Sony's mini-game collection, I thought that I had been transported onto the set of a Guy Ritchie directed, London-based gangster flick. There are fleeting moments in that experience, where you really feel as though you're playing a starring role in a living, breathing cinematic production. I couldn't help but wonder what it might be like if London Studio had blown out London Heist into a full length, tour-de-force. Well, luckily for us, that's exactly what we're going to get sometime in 2018.
On Monday at the Paris Games Week conference, Sony unveiled Blood and Truth, which appears to be a full length gangster saga, that takes the ideas first explored with London Heist, and expands them into a potential AAA VR masterpiece. At, least, if their first foray into VR is anything to go by, I'd expect nothing less than one of the best VR games of 2018, on any platform.

London Studio continues to flex their muscles, when it comes to high-end action/adventure, with plenty of gun battles and explosions, set in unique and varied set pieces and environments. If London Heist was a small taste of a Guy Ritchie movie brought to life, then Blood and Truth is the full-length blockbuster production. The action appears to be intense, with fast and furious gun fights and side missions, with a grand story enveloping you, as you move through the cinematic experience.
After watching Sony's announcement trailer, I can't help but think of Arktika.1 for the Oculus Rift. At first blush, the comparison might seem a bit off the mark, but both games appear to share one specific similarity. I've described Arktika.1 as a glorified shooting gallery. While this may initially sound dismissive and reductive of 4A Games first foray into VR gaming, it's not designed to be a backhanded compliment. Sure, a glorified shooting gallery might not fulfill all our hopes and dreams, but it can still deliver an incredibly powerful and trans formative experience. Blood and Truth looks to be similar in it's gameplay structure. However, where this experience could differentiate itself from the Oculus exclusive, is in the storytelling chops that SCE London Studio brings to the project. Arktika.1 does have it's story sequences, but I'm not convinced that they're handled with the same loving care that London Studio lavishes on nearly every production they're involved with.

This could be a great opportunity for London Studios to start to get some long deserved hype and adoration. Sony appears to have two "Aces in the Hole", when it comes to high-end VR development. Supermassive Games is the other talented developer that Sony can count on, to deliver can't miss VR action. Supermassive of course has The Inpatient coming this November, with Bravo Team coming a few weeks after that. Blood and Truth gives Sony another stunning VR title with which to convert flat gamers to the world of Virtual Reality. VR Game Rankings will continue to follow this title closely, and update our readers with any new information as it's released in the coming months.