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VR Game Rankings looking for up and coming VR journalists

We're currently looking for lead editors for each of the major VR platforms. We'd love nothing more than to have a specialist editor for each of the 3 major platforms currently out there. We'd love to have an Oculus Editor, HTC-Vive (Steam VR) Editor, and a PSVR Editor. We'd even love a Microsoft Mixed-Reality Editor as well. Or say AR or Gear VR. Honestly, if it's a game that you can play with VR or AR, we'd like to cover it. The problem is, we need some help. Unfortunately, I can't really offer up any riches or fame for these positions, at this current time. We need volunteers that would like to help out, just for the love of VR. Maybe you'd like to get some experience writing for a VR website.

If you're passionate about VR, and you eat, sleep and drink this stuff... Then you might be able to help us out. We're looking for writers for previews, reviews, special features, keeping track of the various rankings, game profile pages, experience profile pages, etc, etc... We'd like any help we can get. We don't have any specific funding for any of this, so we're trying to do the best job we can, but if we had a few more volunteers, I think this website could be improved considerably. We currently feature no advertising, and don't have plans to commercialize the website anytime soon, but could consider it in the future. What begins as a volunteer gig, could potentially turn into more. So, if you're interested in working with VR Game Rankings, hit the Contact Us tab at the very bottom of the website. We'd love to hear from you!

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