The Rumors were true! L.A. Noire: The VR Case Files coming November 14th to HTC Vive!

It wasn't that long ago, that we had an article talking about a rumor for a VR version of L.A. Noire. Turns out, where there is smoke, there is fire. There is indeed a VR game coming from Rockstar, using the L.A. Noire property, but the truth is a bit different from the original rumor. L.A. Noire: The VR Case Files is coming to the HTC Vive on November 14th. Originally, we heard it was a L.A. Noire, the full game, basically remastered in VR. Which is sorta what we're getting. However, it's not the full game. Instead, we get seven hand-picked case files from the first game, recreated with VR gaming in mind. It's disappointing we aren't getting the full game, but at the same time, this sounds more promising, from the standpoint of the production possibly taking greater advantage of VR's strengths.

When it comes to existing properties that can be mined for VR, L.A. Noire is one of the more obvious candidates. The gameplay should translate perfectly to a roomscale detective experience. You have to imagine that the 7 case files picked for the game, are ideal for showing off how VR could work. Straus Zelnick, the CEO of Take-2 Interactive, has been somewhat negative on VR gaming in general, but despite this, Take-2 is too huge a publisher to completely ignore the category. They have to dip their toes into the waters, just in case this VR thing takes off. Nobody wants to be put in a position of being on the outside, looking in. All major publishers should try a few VR experiments here and there, as defensive plays if nothing else. When it comes to Take-2 Interactive, one of the most logical properties they could turn to, would be their existing L.A. Noire property. Resources were brought to bear, to bring the game into VR, but the story and and the voice work was already there. This gives Rockstar a chance to bring out a more polished first VR experience. We have to hope that it fully lives up to the potential.