Rez Infinite now available on Steam and Oculus store!

Well, this came out of nowhere. We're just going to have to get used to the fact that prime-time VR games can just show up, out of the blue, with zero warning. Rez Infinite, one of the more celebrated games of the PSVR platform, has now arrived on Steam and the Oculus store. HTC Vive and Oculus Rift owners alike can share in the joy that PSVR players have known about for a long time. You can grab the game for $19.99 right now, thanks to a 20 percent launch discount, but on August 16th, the price will bump up slightly to $24.99. (Oculus store price is $19.99, not sure if it will go higher as well)

I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed the PSVR version of this game. I was late to the party in playing it, but when I finally did play it, I was pleasantly surprised by the overall experience. The game is short, and it takes a certain mood and frame of mind to fully enjoy. Rez doesn't have a ton of "game" to it. It's more of an interactive experience, than a game, per se, but if you allow yourself to just go with the flow, you could end up having a wonderful time. If I had to pin down the game to any one category, I'd call it an on-rails shooter. However, the gameplay is really more rhythm action, than anything else. You target enemies Panzer Dragoon style (an old Sega Saturn game), and release your missiles to the pulsating beat. The game has it's own language, it's own vibe. You have to get the feel of it, but once you've got it, it becomes a very enjoyable, audio visual symphony. Especially Area X. Area X is downright orgasmic! Everybody is really hoping that Monstars and Enhance Games takes what they've made in Area X, and turn it into a full blown, VR only sequel. We can only hope.