PSVR Most Wanted Rankings - Big Post e3 Update!

We recently held a contest on the PSVR subreddit, giving away game keys for Rez Infinite (Special Thanks to Enhance Games). The only entry rule we had for this contest, was that everybody had to submit their most wanted PSVR games ranking. Now, you have to understand, that the PSVR subreddit is a very passionate bunch. These guys (and gals) are mostly hardcore PSVR gamers that really know their stuff inside and out. We got a ton of data from these guys. We tabulated everything up, and came up with some final results. Some of it was quite shocking actually... I was more than a little surprised by some games that jumped up the list, and other games that took a precipitous fall down the charts.
Dreams, pictured above, was one of the big risers on these new rankings. Dreams wasn't even on the Top 20 Most Wanted PSVR Games list, in our previous ranks. However, enough PSVR gamers rallied behind it, that it ended up rising all the way to No.8 overall. So, Sony, if you're paying attention, a lot of PlayStation VR owners are absolutely interested in checking out Dreams on their PSVR headsets. Hopefully that game will eventually see the light of day, and hopefully it really does have full VR support.

For every game that rises up the charts, there is always a game that takes a tumble. Star Child by Playful was ranked 9th Most Wanted PSVR game after it's e3 reveal. However, it didn't seem to resonate in the same way with PlayStation VR gamers overall. At least the ones on Reddit. The game tumbled all the way down to No. 23. It would seem publisher Gametrust has their work cut out for them in regards to promoting the game and getting that awareness out there. Speaking of needing more promotion, Megaton Rainfall, a game that many of us here at VR Game Rankings are still quite excited for, doesn't seem to generate the same level of excitement across a wide range of PSVR owners. It almost fell out of the Top 40 entirely. It tumbled all the way down to No.35 overall.