It's incredibly unfortunate that 360 video has gotten such a bad rap, so early in it's lifespan. Most VR enthusiasts roll their eyes when they're told about some interesting 360 VR video. The problem is, their expectations have been lowered so dramatically by crappy 360 video after crappy 360 video. They don't believe that a high-quality 360 video is even possible. Felix and Paul Studios of course would beg to differ. Introduction to Virtual Reality is a sampler if you will, of various 360 VR type experiences that are significantly more impressive than what you'll normally find. If only more 360 videos looked this good, maybe the whole genre wouldn't be looked at with such disgust. I was particularly impressed with the Islanders twirling their flaming torches mere inches away from me. It felt like I could simply reach out and grab them. Well worth trying out.