First off, I'd like to make it clear that this review is only considering the VR aspect of Gran Turismo Sport. The "flat" version of this game might be an absolute triumph, but we're only interested in the VR mode. What a limited VR mode it turns out to be. I knew the VR content was going to leave me wanting, but I didn't anticipate it being this paper thin. To see all the tracks and cars this game offers, you'll need to spend a ton of time playing the game with the headset off. You can't earn any tracks or cars in VR mode. In fact, there isn't even a VR time trial. You race one on one with another car that you'll only see for about 15 seconds. The awful A.I. of the rival racer makes their existence a non factor. On the bright side, the lighting engine is impressive and the interiors of certain cars are almost breathtaking. It's too bad all of this was wasted behind one of the worst VR implementations we've seen to date.
 Rating - 74