If you've played your share of EVE: Valkyrie, but the single player content just didn't grab you, you might want to consider End Space. . End Space was originally a Gear VR game, but Orange Bridge Studios has now ported the game up to PSVR. The results are mixed. While the single player content is probably a bit better than what EVE: Valkyrie offers, there's still some problems. First off, the announcer's voice is irritatingly loud. I couldn't find a way to turn his volume down, and it's really needed. My other issue, is the lock-on missile system just doesn't seem to work like I would expect. Sometimes I will lock onto an enemy and blow it out of the sky really nicely, but other times it just doesn't happen. It's this lack of consistency that is disturbing. Still, there's definitely some good entertainment here, so don't let a few minor irritants spoil the whole thing.Â
Rating - 78

(PlayStation VRÂ version reviewed)