We knew that Borderlands 2 VR would find it's way to PC-VR platforms eventually, we just thought it might have arrived a few months earlier. Well, you know what they say... Better late than Never! Borderlands 2 VR arrived on October 22nd to high-end VR players everywhere. The game was a huge success on PSVR, although some players complained about slightly blurry visuals. The dreaded "Vaseline Effect" that some PSVR games seem to suffer from. Now, with the power of PC hardware, we can brute force and super-sample the cell shaded visuals to hell and back. It should look pretty spectacular if your video card is up to snuff. PC players were really hoping for some Co-Op action, but unfortunately, it's not happening. On the bright side, it will include the BAMF DLC pack for no extra charge.
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