PlayStation VR Worlds is easily one of the better VR games we've seen thus far. Especially the London Heist section of the game. Clearly one of the most immersive VR scenarios you could possibly experience. The creator of this standout VR production, SCE London Studio, has been hard at work on a full length VR feature for Sony's impressive platform. Blood and Truth is the name of their newest PSVR game coming to us in late spring 2019. The game was originally announced at Paris Games Week back in 2017. Blood and Truth appears to be a shooter/thriller in the same vein as Arktika.1 for the Oculus Rift. Arktika.1 is known as the Michael Bay action movie of VR experiences, and SCE London Studio appears to be delivering another game with that kind of high powered impact.
Coming May 28thÂ